What is the cost?

We have three options to choose from, each with special features.
  • Annual membership, $499.00
  • Champions of Change (3 year) $1014.00
  • Seven Generations Sustainability Program (life time) $5000.00

What is the Seven Generation Philosophy?

This philosophy suggests that we should consider the effect of our decisions today on future generations.

Do members pay for additional services like job or procurement postings?

No, they do not!

What is the Nahihtamowin Initiative?

In short, it’s our way of giving back! Nahihtamowin is a Cree word that means “the act of listening to someone’s wishes” and we are listening! We hope to raise over $400,000 to fund wishes to terminally ill children.

What is a voluntary set-aside?

The federal government establish a procurement policy that was designed to include minorities, (the indigenous community being one of them), who normally would not have the capacity to participate or benefit from in the larger government spending or procurement. The government implemented a process for both mandatory and voluntary set asides. A voluntary set aside is when an Indigenous community demonstrates to the “purchasing agent” the capacity to provide the goods or services for a specific procurement and the purchasing agent voluntary awards the contract as a set aside to further the procurement goals of the government. The award is for services that is on or in close proximity of the community or traditional territory.

Does this company have Indigenous ownership?


The corporate name is Sweatlodge Technologies Inc. was there an issue using that name?

The name was recommended by an Elder and was prayed upon. We have been told that our mission was sincere and embraced by the “grandmothers”

Is it true that Indigenous communities pay nothing for these services?
