Why Choose us?

We have solutions that work!

We deliver value, connect clients create synergies, develop new partnerships, identify contract opportunities, build supplier networks and advance the economic interests of all Canadians in an inclusive environment.

Jobs placements

Canadian companies have paid millions of dollars to place job ads with companies like Indeed, Zip Recruiter, Career Beacon and Career Builder- not anymore! As a member of our inclusion platform we do not charge our members for these services!

Our message to Canadian companies, keep your money home, don’t send it abroad!

We go the extra mile

Our members do not pay to access a national database of candidates who want to work!


Our members are discovering a whole new world of opportunity! Working together and expanding our respective networks, we bring opportunity to the forefront!

  • Our members pay nothing to access tenders!
  • Our members get alerts and notifications of procurement opportunities originating from Indigenous communities and organizations all over Canada.
  • Our members can access procurement opportunities including, invitations to attend, expressions of interest, invitation to bid, request for statement of qualifications and so much more.

We have all the Indigenous Events and Conferences which you can view and attend!!

Covid has challenged us to think outside the box and we have! Events and conferences have always played an important role in the development of new and exciting opportunities for collaboration and new business. Our commitment to keep you informed and to host meaningful events and conferences within your industry is a priority!

Hundreds if not thousands of Economic Developers and Indigenous Liaisons identifying and sharing opportunities at your fingertips!

Some amazing features within the value proposition!

Who’s advocating for Change:

We are taking the lead because we believe Its Time for Change!
But there are others:

  • Federal and Provincial Governments
  • The Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
  • The Auditor General of Canada
  • Chambers of Commerce Canada Wide
  • Municipalities Cities and Towns
  • Canada’s Educational Institutions
  • The Canadian Public

Also COMPANIES LIKE YOU who are recognizing there is opportunity to be had and that we can pursue our economic interests while doing the right thing!