Abegweit Band

Community Type :

First Nation

Province :

Prince Edward Island

Closest Service Center:


On Reserve Population:


Total Population:


The Current Chief:

Chief Roderick W. Gould Jr.

The # of Councilors:


Band Number:




Tribal Council Affiliation:

Mikmaq Confederacy of PEI Inc.

Mailing address:
Postal Code:

C0A 1T0



Web address:


About Community

In more current or contemporary terms, the creation of the Abegweit First Nation occurred on March 7th, 1972. Originally, all Mi’kmaq on Epekwitk were a part of one band, namely the Lennox Island First Nation. However, on the date mentioned, an overwhelming majority voted in favour of forming a new Band, Abegweit First Nation, which would form from the Morell #2, Rocky Point #3, and Scotchfort #4 reserves. Following this event, the first election for the Abegweit First Nation occurred on May 17, 1972 where Mrs. Margaret Bernard was elected to be the first Abegweit Chief, and Joe Jadis and Cyru

Chief Roderick W. Gould Jr.'s Message

As the Chief of the Abegweit First Nation, with great respect and humility, I am proud and honoured to be working for a range of dedicated and caring people in our strong Mi'kmaq community. I believe whole-heartedly in the community first, as a whole. The Abegweit First Nation community members are always the very heart of all that I do and I sincerely believe that this viewpoint and way of life is shared by each and every one working for and within the community. The happiness, health, wellness, prosperity, and positive opportunities for our families and greater community are always the primary focus when we look toward the future of our people. We come from a resilient and proud history as Mi'kmaq people, rich in culture and tradition. As such, we are continuously looking toward a prosperous future that encompasses our traditions and cultural ways, while providing a contemporary context that allows all of our future generations to thrive and grow. It may be obvious, but as a community, the people of Abegweit First Nation always come first. This is shown throughout our planning to ensure that everything we aim for and hope to achieve is for the benefit of the entire community and our collective prosperity. We intend to enhance our community in a sustainable manner. Not only are we looking to develop economically and to create opportunities for our community, but we are implementing plans that will ensure that new developments and opportunities are created or provided for the long-term as we seek to become a truly self-sustaining community. We know that our community can do this and that anything can be accomplished. Together, as a community and with our partners, we will create a thriving future for all Mi'kmaq people of Abegweit First Nation.

Community Mandate

No data available!!

Economic Priorities

Abegweit First Nation is always open to ideas and partnerships that may lead to potential business opportunities. This includes opportunities for new Band-owned and partnership businesses on and off reserve. If you, or your organization, are interested in any such initiatives or partnerships, we are always open to new ideas and would invite you to contact us to begin discussions. Please contact Tyler Gould, Director of Economic Development, at tgould@abegweit.ca for more information.

Community Assets

No data available!!

Current Developments

No data available!!