Mattagami First Nation

Our Community and Strategic Location - Mattagami is an ideal location and partner for economic development. Our people, organisations, facilities, policies, regulation and the communities engagement across all industry sectors is developed to provide opportunity. The community is strategically positioned geographically. The location is Golden!

Economic Opportunities and Priorities

As elected Chief of the Mattagami First Nation I would like to thank you for taking the initiative to become engaged in a new era of economic cooperation. Our Council is aggressively pursuing opportunities that create economy and opportunity not just for our members but for the region in its entirety. Mattagami First Nation territory is located within the Sudbury District near the town of Gogama. It is comprised of citizens of Ojibwe, Oji-Cree and Odawa descent, and is a member of the Wabun Tribal Council, a political organization that is also part of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Working together is the key! Together we can build on each other’s strengths and drive economic activity and investment capitalizing on the opportunity at hand. We welcome your interest, we encourage you to contact our offices and speak to our economic development officers. We invite you to come and visit with our council and discover new opportunities for growth and prosperity.

Community Capacity and Commitment

The economic development team continues to work on various economic development initiatives to promote and enhance financial and economic self-sufficiency for the community and the band membership.

Our vision of the future

To build on the previous reports and community development decisions by cultivating viable business opportunities on treaty lands, traditional territories, and wherever they may be found to ensure the growth of sustainable revenue streams that improve the quality of life for community members while being respectful of the traditions
To judiciously and thoughtfully serve the vision and mission of the community by constantly striving to promote and enhance financial and economic self-sufficiency for the community and all its members

Visit Mattagami First Nation at

A comprehensive profile of participating Indigenous communities for our members is available and accessible through the dashboard, a member’s only area. Here you will have access to specific messaging from the Chief and leadership, Councillor Bio’s and portfolio responsibilities, community assets, priorities and opportunities and special project initiatives.
We encourage you to register today and become a member as we embark on a new journey of discovery, cooperation and collaboration promoting a new era of economic growth and prosperity.