What ITFC Can Do for You

Recruitment Solutions - more than just posting!

ITFC will change traditional recruitment practices. The existing services are expensive and the process is flawed, ITFC is willing to change it! Single focused platforms have created a billion-dollar industry preying upon employers needs to fill positions. Skill shortages and skill mismatches are costing the Canadian economy billions of dollars in lost productivity. ITFC will not charge its members to post or recruit positions for their company.


Procurement- A strategic business tool!

ITFC is facilitating the change that is now taking place as procurement once again reinvents itself. Companies are looking to the future and not the past, becoming less transactional and more strategic and business orientated.

The perception of procurement is changeing, now more than ever procurement is an enabler of growth, sales, profits and share value. The reality that procurement is now becoming a board level priority is resultiong in a process that is miuch more than just negotiating the best deal.

Supplier Ecosystems-Building sustainable relationships!

ITFC is leading the change from supplier relationships to supplier ecosystems where growth is driven by a deeper understanding and awareness of the up and down value chain. ITFC is providing an awareness of suppliers that encourages and facilitates strategic relationships resulting in collaborations that drive economic growth.


The Freelance Community - an underutilized asset in Canda!

Our work force is changing! ITFC is committed to growing the Indigenous freelance economy to the benefit of all Canadians. ITFC has created an environment where you can safely hire and pay for the insights and knowledge you require from qualified Indigenous freelancers that can identify and assist in your economic growth strategy.

Indigenous Communities

ITFC promotes and advocates for Indigenous communities and shares their desire to build the economy with businesses across Canada that have demonstrated their commitment to Indigenous economic inclusion and engagement.

Indigenous and non indigenous members have access to ITFC’s powerful multi- faceted platform that is capable of real change, building economic capacity and sharing the benefits of a truly inclusive and engaged economy.


ITFC - Angel Network!

Indigenous business is strategically positioned to benefit from "impact investing" all over the world. There is undeniable Change in the way people are investing, and ITFC is connecting potential investors with Indigenous entrepreneurs and businesses looking to expand.

    Let ITFC help you:

  • Communicate Your Idea/Concept
  • Identify Investors
  • Create your “pitch”

Nahihtamowin - Members working together to create smiles!

Imagine for a moment an economy where engagement and inclusion replace fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. Nahihtamowin is a Cree word when translated means “the act of listening to someone’s wishes” and represents the focus of our corporate social responsibility program.


When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. These are shared goals of ITFC, its membership & Make a Wish Foundation! Join us today and together we will create life changing wishes for children with critical illnesses!

Is your Business or Organization committed to positive Change?

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Proud to be a part of the ITFC network!

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