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What ITFC Can Do for You

Recruitment Solutions

Are You Looking for Talent ?
Let ITFC Find the Perfect Match for Your Team! Leverage our expertise to recruit candidates who not only meet the job requirements, but enhance your workplace culture.

ITFC understands the importance of cultural compatibility and provide tailored recruitment strategies to help you attract, hire, and retain somebody that complements your organizational goals. We act as your partner in cultivating a diverse and inclusive workforce


ITFC’ S Procurement Advantage

Expand your market reach through Indigenous procurement. Discover new procurement pathways and grow your business with our comprehensive support and resources.

ITFC bridges the gap between private sector businesses and major Indigenous procurement opportunities. ITFC can assist you in taking advantage of these opportunities

Indigenous Business Database

ITFC's Supplier Development Initiative will help governments fulfill their mandate to procure 5% of goods and services from Indigenous suppliers by building a database of Indigenous businesses and service providers.

    A more functional database of Indigenous businesses will:

  • Develop a stronger supply chain.
  • Connect businesses to new markets.
  • Build a stronger economy.

Engaging Indigenous Freelancers!

Tap into the largest talent pool of Indigenous freelancers who bring local insights and specialized skills to your business needs.

With ITFC, hiring Indigenous freelancers who offer critical local knowledge and specific expertise becomes seamless. We facilitate meaningful connections between your business and our extensive network of freelancers, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your project needs.

Indigenous Communities

ITFC promotes and advocates for Indigenous communities and shares their desire to build the economy with businesses across Canada that have demonstrated their commitment to Indigenous economic inclusion and engagement.

Indigenous and non indigenous members have access to ITFC’s powerful multi- faceted platform that is capable of real change, building economic capacity and sharing the benefits of a truly inclusive and engaged economy.


ITFC - Angel Network!

Indigenous business is strategically positioned to benefit from "impact investing" all over the world. There is undeniable Change in the way people are investing, and ITFC is connecting potential investors with Indigenous entrepreneurs and businesses looking to expand.

    Let ITFC help you:

  • Communicate Your Idea/Concept
  • Identify Investors
  • Create your “pitch”

Nahihtamowin - Members working together to create smiles!

Imagine for a moment an economy where engagement and inclusion replace fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. Nahihtamowin is a Cree word when translated means “the act of listening to someone’s wishes” and represents the focus of our corporate social responsibility program.


When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. These are shared goals of ITFC, its membership & Make a Wish Foundation! Join us today and together we will create life changing wishes for children with critical illnesses!

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